Monday, May 10, 2010

Betty White: Thank you for being a friend

Betty White seems to be the attention of everyone on the internet after her AMAZING performance hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend. I almost missed it because for the most part, I could care less about SNL at this point unless its a rerun from the old days...when it was actually funny.

If it's not extremely apparent already, our generation can have really bad taste sometime. Is Andy Samberg really a better sketch comedian than Adam Sandler? Or is he just cuter?

Betty White was the funniest person, and by far the oldest, on the cast and stole the show.

My favorite parts:

  • The Gingey Skit---like the old grandma in Wedding Crashers that said "he's a homooo!"
  • The bit about Facebook in her monologue---"At my age, if I wanna communicate with my old friends, I'll need a Ouiji board!" hahaha and "There was poking, but it wasn't something you did on a computer. It's the kind of thing you did on a hayride...under a blanket..." Come on, admit it, sexual innuendos are ALWAYS funny, and being said by a grandma/grandma-aged woman=hilarious!
  • MacGruber---normally I can't stand MacGruber. I didn't love it tonight, but I love that it was the first time I had EVER laughed at one of the skits. Maybe if she's in the movie, I'll see it.
And well, this didn't even have anything to do with Betty White; but the conversation about the error in the DOW was such a shot at how skewed our reality sometimes is.
"Really? When I go to delete a picture on Facebook, it says 'are you sure?' Is Facebook really more squared away than the DOW?"
"And really, one guy can do a million dollar transaction without it being approved by a manager but when I try to use a $50 at Starbucks it turns in to a 4 man operation?"


For more of her best moments this weekend, check these out

And apparently, there are some unaired skits. I can't wait to watch them, but I'm making myself be productive and check it in the morning.

And then watch Golden Girls.

Thank you for being a friend!!!! :P

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