Thursday, January 28, 2010

Start Your Year with a New Style!

Hello, all!  I'm always really optimistic about New Years fact, I wrote an article for my school's fashion magazine (that's right, we're so cool that we publish a fashion magazine!) giving my fellow Blue Hens some tips for keeping their New Years resolutions.  Now that January is almost over, people are starting to lose momentum and excitement and the progress of their resolutions slow down, and eventually stop.  I'm a victim of this too, I am definitely no expert!  But I always try hard, and even if I break a resolution I will most likely pick it up for at least a few more weeks randomly in the year.

The contents of the article are things that I am going to tell myself every day!  I made a resolution to exercise more, and the momentum got me to work out at least 3 times a week all of January.  Now that its getting later in the year, I'm not as excited about working out, but I'm used to it.  My routine has become wear sweats with gym clothes underneath them to class and work (I only work in a computer lab at my school's admissions office) and then go straight to the gym.  I go to class and work everyday, and now it seems natural to head over to the gym afterwards.

I'd love to find out some people's resolutions.  I plan on updating on my progress throughout the year, seeing as that can actually increase progress (see the article).  Why don't you keep me updated too?

Check out UDress!

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