Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now what's so bad about a night on the couch?

I came across an article on one of my favorite blogs while I was at work yesterday, and got so happy to find out that I'm not the only one that is sometimes too tired to want anything more than a night on the couch.

Albeit, the author of this article has already graduated and moved out into the real world, where partying is not as important as it is in college, I relate to her.  While I don't live completely on my own and work 8 hours per day, last semester it sure felt like it.  Between taking 15 credits, the out-of-class work required of all thos classes, working a part-time job, and trying to stay involved in the campus extracurriculars I try to participate in, a crazy weekend just wasn't doable.  I don't really understand the energy that other students seem to have.  Where does it come from?  How come so much is left come the weekend?

Life After College: I’m Lame. Yeah, I Said It

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