Monday, January 25, 2010

Another reason why I love Gala!

I have been extremely behind on my spending hours and hours exploring Gala Darling’s blog, iCiNG.  So it’s a good thing the online database at work is down again.  Thank goodness I caught up!  This article is the kind of thing I want to print out and post on my refridgerator door!  People that know me well know how OCD I am with organization.  It’s hard to see if you don’t know me and end up in my apartment…I am a little too fond of making piles on the floor.  The funny thing is, my mom once pointed out to me that my piles were even organized!  I made separate ones for clothes to go in the hamper, the closet, and the dresser.  I didn’t even realize it.

After 19 years, I think I have finally figured out why everything in my life is either in immaculate order or in the middle of the floor.  Thank you, college. I haven’t actually realized this thought process ever going through my head, but it was bothering me how this habit that I can’t seem to resolve is inequivalent to everything else in my life.  So I started trying to analyze myself.

I know, I know, that last sentence sounds like a prelude to a disaster or emotional crisis, but now I’m not as embarrased about my sloppiness.  It all comes down to this: I would rather have organized chaos than imperfect order. If I don’t have time or feel like hanging a shirt up with the rest of the shirts that are that color and sleeve-length on a hanger the same as those around it, I will make an organized pile.

Anyways…why I love Gala Darling!

I can honestly spend HOURS on her blog.  Before I studied Fashion Merchandising, I thought I loved fashion; I wanted to learn about it and write about it.  I was wrong.  I realized that what I’m interested in is style…specifically, personal style.  The only articles in fashion magazines that I read are the lifestyle ones…advice and such.  But I do like fashion.  What I don’t like is only reading and seeing things that are in fashion at the time.  I don’t really follow trends in fashion that much.  That’s why Vogue doesn’t do it for me.

iCiNG does.  Gala is so unique!  Clicking through the links on her blog, reading the subjects of each post, you see that she’s all over the spectrum.  She write about fashion, she writes about life (and hers seems pretty fantastic), and she writes about entertainment.  Almost any young woman will find quite a few articles that look like they were written for her.

So, please, go over to her blog.  I’ll most likely be mentioning her a lot in the future!

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