Saturday, February 6, 2010

Five for Friday: Misc.

Sorry about the lack of posts this week; between my work schedule changing every day, preparing my apartment for a new roommate, and studying for a very important final exam (I got an A in the class!), I couldn't spend much time doing things for myself, or you! At least I can relax a little now.

At my school, the Communication major operates strangely.  You are first a COMM Interest major, and have to take these 4 classes.  Then after you take them, you are eligible to get into the major.  But only the students with the top 100 GPAs get in.  Getting an A in this class was the only chance I had left!  After it's factored into my GPA, I will have the lowest GPA they are expecting to accept.  Now I can relax a little, but I still have to wait until June to find out. Ahhh! Anyways, I couldn't come up with a unique idea for a Friday list this week, so I'm just going to suggest to you a few of the websites I've been interested in lately.

1.  College Candy -- Ever since I discovered this blog, I haven't been able to get enough!  The website is perfect to browse on for hours; sometimes I lose track of time at work!  Many different college (and a few post-college) girls contribute posts, giving it a variety of outlooks.  All types of views, interests, and fashions are blogged about, so you are sure to find a lot of articles that you can relate to perfectly!  Today, they posted 2 articles that I love: one about being a sober girl in college, and another about the wonder that is chick flicks! After I read each of them, I just had to go, 'Wow,' this article was made for me to read!

2. Mr. Beer --my boyfriend's roommate has a Mr. Beer home-brewing kit brewin' in the kitchenette, and it looks really cool.  I had never heard of it and had no clue what it was at first, but now I want to make beer!  It's right up my alley.  It's sort of like crafting cause you're making something, cooking where there isn't much room for you to mess it up, and the product can be enjoyed by all! :P I love just browsing their website at all of the different kits and products they offer.  I've always been interested in fermentation and stuff, and they have a wine kit too!  It's like 200 dollars, though, and is probably a lot more complex.  They have beer kits starting at 30 bucks, and can buy refills after you've used up the ingredients included.

3. Farmville -- Yes, I'm one of those people.  I can't get enough farming.  I realize how pathetic it has made my life, and that now that I've realized you can play on with the same account as Facebook, it will get worse.  Playing directly on their site gives you more reward and gifting options, the screen is bigger, and it runs a little bit faster, for me at least.  What I also like is that I haven't noticed my activity from the site on my Facebook feed, so it's not annoying my Facebook friends and broadcasting how much procrastinating I do.  Hello, hiding an addiction.

4. Weather Forecast -- Usually, I hate talking about or reading about the weather.  I don't really care about weather that does not affect my immediate plans unless it's a big deal sort of thing.  I just wanna know how I should dress, if I should walk or take my car, and if any of my plans will be affected.  But right now, it's a big deal sort of thing, and the forecasters are not exaggerating.  The first weekend of winter break, we got like 20 inches at home in Maryland.  When 18 inches was predicted.  It has snowed a few other times there and at school, usually the same amount since there's only 80 miles in between.  But everyone was so confident in the predictions that my home county declared that school would be let out 3 hours early.  The last time I spoke to my parents, there were a few inches.  There's a few inches here now, too.  And the university has cancelled all Saturday activities and finals, moving them to Monday, and now the semester doesn't start until Tuesday!  Awesomeeee.  The weather forecast says 100% chance of snow, so I'm very excited!

5. StudyBlue -- StudyBlue randomly followed me on Twitter, most likely automatically based on who and what I follow.  I decided on a whim to check it out but was getting ready to block them from my Tweets, cause I get paranoid, ya never know.  It's a study resource site.  There are a bunch on Facebook and campuses each have their own, but this one has a huge network.  Not many at my school know about it, so resources are scarce, but I can still find help.  You can upload your own study materials, and get rewards based on how many other people use it and give it a good rating.  You can also get materials from people at other schools by entering what textbooks you use.  That way, you can get chapter notes and stuff from other schools with similar classes.  If you sign up please select that you were referred by a friend on the sign up page, and use my referral code: 732246.  I admit that referrals will increase my standing on the site, but with my school's specific reward system I do not get money from getting people to sign up.  I am telling you about this because I think it's exciting!  Add me as a contact, too, and be my study buddy!

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