Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Cha Really Really Want

What else can be added to the Spice Girls empire?  Back in the day, I had all the CDs, music videos, dolls, Spice World, pencils, notebooks, and who knows what else!  And a few years ago, when the girls did a U.S. reunion tour, most of the 15-20 year olds in the country turned back into preteen crazed fans.  All I wanted was to go to the concert, which would be my 5th time seeing them.  I know, I was a complete fangirl :-P.  But then it turned out that they would be coming to D.C. a few weeks after I had ankle reconstruction surgery, so I would still be on crutches and painkillers.  So, no go.  I actually felt pain looking at my friends' Facebook pictures and hearing their accounts of it the next day.  I thought I was more mature than that, but I guess a blast from the past can do that to you.

I'm back at home for the other weekend, and the other night my dad was telling me that he heard that a musical is being made out of one of my favorite movies, but he couldn't remember which one.  We couldn't figure it out, since most of my favorite movies were musicals first.  This morning during breakfast, someone said something about the Spice Girls.  I don't even remember what it was anymore since I've been in such an excited craze since then.  I was skeptical at first, because sometimes he makes up crap for fun just to get us excited.

But after some time on Google, I believe him!  Mel B has been talking to several publications about the plans for a musical.  I haven't been able to get many details, but this has still made my day!  Apparently, Simon Fuller and the producer of Mamma Mia got the wheels rolling.

It's going to be awhile until the musical hits the stage; in various articles I've seen 2-3 years.  And unfortunately, it is being launched in the West End.  It didn't even occur to me that it would end up in England, but that does make the most sense.  I'm really hoping it comes to the U.S.!

Some more links to news articles about it:

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Five for Friday: Snow Day Movies

I love lists.I make lists about everything...even when it's completely unneccessary or fruitless.  I love organization, but practice procrastination.  Most of the time, my lists don't get completely finished and end up being a reminder of how lazy I am.  But, as I say in this UDress article, having tangible reminders of your shortcomings that you consistently see can light a fire under your ass.

Every Friday, I will end the week off with a list for, I'm not going to give you a bunch of boring things to do.  These lists will be fun.

Given the weather predictions for the weekend (although both the Newark and Baltimore areas have horrible forecasts...Maryland, Delaware, and parts of Pennsylvania seem to be in this weather bubble where normal rules don't apply :P), my mind has been on my favorite snow day activity: watching movies.

Some movies are perfect for snow days, and some just don't work.  When you're stuck inside, cozy, vegging with your family or friends, longer movies are good.  A lot of great movies don't get watched often because of the time it takes to get through them.  Either you don't have the time or you don't have the patience to sit in front of the same characters for three or four hours.  But it's a whole different story when you have a fire, hot chocolate and other foods that are bad for your figure, and nothing else to do!

Even if you've seen these movies before, and even if you love them already, give them a try the next time you're snowed in...

1. Gone with the Wind--remember the days of VHS?  Ya, I don't really, either.  But I remember one gloomy afternoon finally agreeing to watch it after my mom had been trying to get me to forever.  She rented it from Blockbuster (another blast from the past), and it was one of those 2-tape sets.  Like Titanic.  The whole movie didn't fit on one (one of the glories of DVDs!  Now everything with more than one disc is either a TV show or series, or loaded with special features!).  This movie is really a long one...I think it's around 4 hours long!  So it will take up quite a bit of time; but after all, it is a classic, and tomorrow is another day! :)

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind--I can't really explain why I put this one on the list.  Maybe because of the photo on the movie's poster...Jim Carrey's character looks freezing, while Kate Winslet's unique character, Clementine, doesn't look like she minds the cold at all.  This sort of describes parts of the relationship of their characters.  I don't want to say much about the plot, because it is so interesting.  I had no clue what it would be about when I watched it for the first time, and that may be one of the reasons I was so fascinated by it.  It would be perfect for a snow day, or any bad-weather, gloomy day for that matter.  It's sort of depressing and weird, coinciding with how gloomy weather tends to put everyone in that type of mood, anyway.

3. Garden State--Zach Braff's directorial debut is perfect on gloomy days.  I don't know why I'm associating sort of depressing movies and independent movies with snow days, but I know that on rainy and snowy days I don't want to get out of bed, and those movies just seem right.  The balance between Braff's detached character, who had been in a medicated trance for most of his life, and the vibrance of Natalie Portman's character bring a lot of interesting situations.  This was one of the movies that got me into independent films, and was definitely a movie that changed my life.

4. Say Anything--What girl doesn't love some John Cusack?  His characters always make me swoon.  But Lloyd Dobbler has my heart more than any of John's other portrayals.  I secretly wish my boyfriend would do one of Lloyd Dobbler's moves. I mean what girl wouldn't want this... To know Lloyd Dobbler is to love him!

Now this last one, I admit, is not a very good movie.  But it's one of my guilty pleasures and what better movie to watch on a snow day than...

5. Snow Day--This movie was HUGELY popular among kids my age when it came out.  It was like watching what we wanted to do every day of winter...stay home from school and play!  It also gave us some fresh ideas on how to spend a snow day.  Plus, at the time I was very into Hoku...who you have probably never heard of.  She was just another teenage girl, candy-pop one-hit wonder.  Her 2 singles are both in the movie and after seeing it I bought her single that included karaoke...  I feel obligated to put this movie in as a guilty pleasure!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Start Your Year with a New Style!

Hello, all!  I'm always really optimistic about New Years fact, I wrote an article for my school's fashion magazine (that's right, we're so cool that we publish a fashion magazine!) giving my fellow Blue Hens some tips for keeping their New Years resolutions.  Now that January is almost over, people are starting to lose momentum and excitement and the progress of their resolutions slow down, and eventually stop.  I'm a victim of this too, I am definitely no expert!  But I always try hard, and even if I break a resolution I will most likely pick it up for at least a few more weeks randomly in the year.

The contents of the article are things that I am going to tell myself every day!  I made a resolution to exercise more, and the momentum got me to work out at least 3 times a week all of January.  Now that its getting later in the year, I'm not as excited about working out, but I'm used to it.  My routine has become wear sweats with gym clothes underneath them to class and work (I only work in a computer lab at my school's admissions office) and then go straight to the gym.  I go to class and work everyday, and now it seems natural to head over to the gym afterwards.

I'd love to find out some people's resolutions.  I plan on updating on my progress throughout the year, seeing as that can actually increase progress (see the article).  Why don't you keep me updated too?

Check out UDress!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now what's so bad about a night on the couch?

I came across an article on one of my favorite blogs while I was at work yesterday, and got so happy to find out that I'm not the only one that is sometimes too tired to want anything more than a night on the couch.

Albeit, the author of this article has already graduated and moved out into the real world, where partying is not as important as it is in college, I relate to her.  While I don't live completely on my own and work 8 hours per day, last semester it sure felt like it.  Between taking 15 credits, the out-of-class work required of all thos classes, working a part-time job, and trying to stay involved in the campus extracurriculars I try to participate in, a crazy weekend just wasn't doable.  I don't really understand the energy that other students seem to have.  Where does it come from?  How come so much is left come the weekend?

Life After College: I’m Lame. Yeah, I Said It

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another reason why I love Gala!

I have been extremely behind on my spending hours and hours exploring Gala Darling’s blog, iCiNG.  So it’s a good thing the online database at work is down again.  Thank goodness I caught up!  This article is the kind of thing I want to print out and post on my refridgerator door!  People that know me well know how OCD I am with organization.  It’s hard to see if you don’t know me and end up in my apartment…I am a little too fond of making piles on the floor.  The funny thing is, my mom once pointed out to me that my piles were even organized!  I made separate ones for clothes to go in the hamper, the closet, and the dresser.  I didn’t even realize it.

After 19 years, I think I have finally figured out why everything in my life is either in immaculate order or in the middle of the floor.  Thank you, college. I haven’t actually realized this thought process ever going through my head, but it was bothering me how this habit that I can’t seem to resolve is inequivalent to everything else in my life.  So I started trying to analyze myself.

I know, I know, that last sentence sounds like a prelude to a disaster or emotional crisis, but now I’m not as embarrased about my sloppiness.  It all comes down to this: I would rather have organized chaos than imperfect order. If I don’t have time or feel like hanging a shirt up with the rest of the shirts that are that color and sleeve-length on a hanger the same as those around it, I will make an organized pile.

Anyways…why I love Gala Darling!

I can honestly spend HOURS on her blog.  Before I studied Fashion Merchandising, I thought I loved fashion; I wanted to learn about it and write about it.  I was wrong.  I realized that what I’m interested in is style…specifically, personal style.  The only articles in fashion magazines that I read are the lifestyle ones…advice and such.  But I do like fashion.  What I don’t like is only reading and seeing things that are in fashion at the time.  I don’t really follow trends in fashion that much.  That’s why Vogue doesn’t do it for me.

iCiNG does.  Gala is so unique!  Clicking through the links on her blog, reading the subjects of each post, you see that she’s all over the spectrum.  She write about fashion, she writes about life (and hers seems pretty fantastic), and she writes about entertainment.  Almost any young woman will find quite a few articles that look like they were written for her.

So, please, go over to her blog.  I’ll most likely be mentioning her a lot in the future!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And another one comes into the mix...

Once again, I have opened up a new blogging account.  I don’t know what it is about me…but I always need to “start fresh,” even though it doesn’t really have an effect.  When I was younger, I started a new journal every few months.  I would want to write in it regularly, and if I broke the pattern, instead of fixing it, I would just start over.  Maybe the new set of blank pages would start up a new life, where I did journal every day.  But I doubt I thought about it that much back then.

When I got my first screen name, that would change every few months too, along with email addresses.  Whenever I came up with a better idea, or got bored of the old one, or was getting too much spam.  Most of the time, I got bored of something and came up with something else just to get rid of the old one.  Then, I would immediately hate this new one because I came up with it under pressure to get rid of the old identity.  For a twelve year old, it seemed like the most important factor affecting my social life.

I always have the urge to reinvent myself.  Start over.  Completely.  I don’t know why no matter how good things seem to be, I can’t be happy and satisfied with who I am.

This is something I think about way too often.  I also procrastinate and waste time too often.  By Friday, I need to finish 7 more pages of a scrapbook, do 3 loads of laundry, go grocery shopping, and most importantly study for my exam monday.  I shouldn’t be doing this right now.  I’ll have plenty of time to write tomorrow at work while I’m waiting for the documents to load!